Career Advice

Mastering Video Interviews in 2024

Are you starting 2024 off on the job hunt? If you are, you’ll likely come across a few video interview requests. Though video conferences are not anything new, they’ve become the new normal since the COVID-19 pandemic. While video interviews do offer flexibility, it’s still an interview, so there will be some rules you still need to adhere to. However, there are a few more that you should add to your interview skills toolkit. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of tips to help you master your video interviews in 2024.

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What Are the Most Common Video Interview Software Platforms? 

With remote work and interviews becoming the norm, new video interview software has seemingly popped up like daises overnight. 

Here’s a list of the most common video interview software platforms you may be asked to join: 

  • Zoom
  • Spark Hire
  • myInterview
  • Google Meet
  • Jobma
  • Willo


Though these platforms are designed to share the same goal—interviewing remote candidates easily—only a few of them (Zoom and Google Meet) have pushed through to the mainstream. So while you may already have a Zoom or Google Meet account set up, don’t be surprised if you have to create accounts or utilize these other platforms. 

Each one offers unique recruitment features to make the hiring process easy, so your interviewer will want to use the platforms they’re paying for instead of what’s convenient for you. 


Tips for Having a Successful Video Interview

Generally speaking, the same rules that would apply to an in-person interview will still apply to a video interview. 

As such, you’re going to want to dress appropriately, be on time, and do research on the company and the role before the interview starts, so you’re prepared for that question all recruiters ask: “What questions do you have for me?” 

However, since video interviewing is still a slightly new recruitment method, you may want to consider the following so you can ace your interview: 


Test Out Your Interview Link Before the Interview Begins 

As mentioned above, your interviewer may send you a conference link through a platform you’ve never used before. Even if you’re using a platform you’re familiar with, sometimes things go awry and don’t work as they should. Because of this, make sure to test the interview link about 10–15 minutes before your interview to ensure it’s working. 

If something is amiss, this should still be enough time to email your interviewer to request a new link. Plus, doing it early shows that you’re prompt and not waiting until the last minute—two things that can make your application go the distance. 


Consider What’s in View 

When you’re on a video call, it’s not just the interviewer’s background you can see. They can see yours, too. So while you may love that funky piece of art you have on your wall, you may want to consider removing it during your interview. 

Remember, your interviewer doesn’t know you, so you don’t want to give them the wrong impression. Keep your background clean and simple. Make all the focus on you and what you bring to the table, not what inaccurate image they think up because of your décor. 

If your décor is foul or inappropriate (or even has the potential to be misconstrued that way), take it down. If you wouldn’t bring it with you in a face-to-face interview, don’t keep it in view here. 


Pick a Distraction-Free Environment 

Your interviewer needs to be able to see and hear you, so joining the interview while you’re on the train, in the back of a taxi, at the airport, or even at your local cafe is a big no-no. 

If you can, choose a part of your house where you can close the door to keep family members and pets out, and if possible, an area that receives a lot of natural light. While your cat jumping up on the back of your office chair may be cute the first time it happens, it has the potential to cause a distraction. 


Mistakes to Avoid in Your Video Interview

Now that you know the top things to do for a successful video interview, let’s go over some of the most common mistakes you should avoid: 


Using Your Smartphone

Because the interview is taking place at your home, it may feel like something other than an interview. Furthermore, because you’re likely taking this interview on your lunch break or after doing work online, you might have your smartphone next to you without thinking. However, if you can remember to remove it, then do so. 

Just like in a traditional face-to-face interview, distractions make you look unprofessional. Make sure to either shut your phone off or put it on silent. Furthermore, put it somewhere out of sight so you’re not distracted by a ringtone, social media notification, or buzzing. 


Having a Messy Space

We’re all busy, and sometimes the appearance of the house just becomes second fiddle. While that’s certainly okay, make sure that you give the appearance of a tidy area when you go to do your interview. This means making sure that piles of laundry or trash are out of view. 


Having the Wrong Body Language

It may feel a bit weird to interview over a computer, but remember, it’s still an interview, so your body language matters. 

Things like folding your arms, averting eye contact, leaning backward, hunching over in your chair, and even looking bored can send the wrong signals to your interviewer. 


Talking Over the Interviewer 

Internet connections can lag sometimes, so you may run into a situation where you and your interviewer start talking simultaneously. In a case like this, it may have just been accidental. 

However, one thing you should avoid is trying to continue talking over them throughout the interview. It can leave a bad taste in their mouth. 


Playing With Your Outfit or Hair 

If you have a habit of playing with your hair, face, or outfit when you’re nervous, try to be more cognizant of this in your video interview because it can be incredibly distracting to the interviewer. 

Instead, if you have an interview scheduled, try some breathing exercises in the days or weeks leading up as an alternative you can lean into when those nerves strike. Also helpful is taking a few seconds to think about your answer before immediately blurting it out. 


Not Testing Your Computer Setup Beforehand 

A video interview relies on a strong Wi-Fi connection and working computer components such as a camera, speakers, and headphones. 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is failing to test these before your interview. It’s usually recommended that you test these out a day or so before your interview, just in case you have to buy a replacement. However, just don’t make the mistake of not testing these out or waiting until five minutes before your interview to do so. It could backfire. 


Tips for Setting Up Your Desk and Computer For a Video Interview

You know that failing to test your computer setup beforehand is a big mistake to avoid, but what about how it should be set up in general? 

Here are some helpful tips for setting up your computer for a video interview: 


Make Sure Your Webcam is Eye-Level. 

If you have a desktop computer, this setup is usually easy. A few minutes before your interview, log on, test the video, and adjust the monitor as needed so your full face is in the frame and your eye level will be on par with the interviewer’s. 

If you don’t have a desktop and instead are using a laptop, try propping it up on some books or a laptop stand to achieve this. Always make sure that both the desktop monitor and laptop are about two feet from your face; otherwise, you’ll be too close. 


Know How Your Webcam Works 

Today’s computers are designed to open the webcam when you log into a video call, but some apps may keep your camera turned off. Familiarize yourself with how your app and camera settings work so you can ensure that your camera is on once the interviewer joins the meeting. 

Far too often, applicants don’t realize their camera is off until the interviewer tells them. 


Know How to Increase or Decrease Volume 

Like the webcam, you should familiarize yourself with how the volume settings on your computer work so you can make adjustments—and make those adjustments quickly. Likewise, if you’re wearing headphones, make sure you have a full charge and a working Bluetooth connection. 


Make Sure The Light is Coming From Behind Your Computer

Though you should aim to conduct your virtual interview in a room with natural light, you also want to make sure that the light source is coming from behind your computer, not you. In other words, the light source should be where your interviewer is from your point of view. 

This is because the natural light behind you could cause a glare, and you may be asked to go to another location for better clarity. Understanding your computer settings is paramount, but so is setting them up in the right location.

Mastering Video Interviews in 2024

The Right Video Interview Strategies Can Help You Land Your Next Job!

As video interviewing is likely to see exponential growth in the coming years, you need to adhere to the aforementioned tips to increase your likelihood of getting hired. 

The right strategies, such as knowing how your computer works, what mistakes to avoid, and how to be prepared for stereotypical interview questions, can help you rock your interview. 

Though interviews may be undergoing some digital changes, the strategies mostly stay the same: be professional, be on time, and be prepared. If you have those three down, you’re golden.