Cartoons Diversity Statistics Workplace Diversity

What millions of Google searches for ‘jobs’​ indicate about diversity

Did you know there are millions of searches every month for ‘jobs’ on Google?

Naturally, people use search terms that match their interests and experience, with phrases like ‘engineering jobs’ or ‘jobs in finance.’ And it’s no surprise that people often add geographical factors to narrow the results, such as ‘in Dallas,’ ‘near me,’ or ‘remote.’

What’s intriguing is that job seekers also use terms that identify their backgrounds and that reveal truths about themselves. We know this because web analytics allow us to see how many people are using phrases like ‘diversity jobs,’ ‘jobs for Hispanics,’ ‘African American jobs,’ ‘jobs for Asians,’ ‘bilingual jobs,’ ‘multicultural jobs,’ ‘jobs for women,’ ‘LGBT jobs,’ ‘disability jobs,’ etc.

These millions of searches reveal three critical components of job search:

These searches are being conducted on Google – not on the big, Name-Brand job search sites. Maybe it’s just convenient to Google-search. Or perhaps job seekers are looking for alternatives to general job sites with millions of other candidates, and they want to stand out from the crowd.
Job seekers are searching for more meaningful careers that match who they are as unique individuals. People don’t run searches for ‘jobs’ along with diverse terms – ‘veteran,’ ‘women,’ ‘LGBT,’ or ‘people of color’ – unless that is who they are and what they care about projecting.
These searches make it clear that job seekers are hoping to land that next opportunity with a diversity-friendly employer in an inclusive environment.

That’s the reason for

Our mission is to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace by creating a space where job seekers can start meaningful careers with employers who value diversity.

If you are a job seeker, search for jobs from top employers, and upload your resume.

If you are an employer looking to engage diverse candidates, learn about how our job scraping services can boost your diversity recruiting efforts, and read about supported Applicant Tracking SystemsContact Us to discuss your needs and to schedule a demo.

Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #20 – job hunt to-do list


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hopeless job seeker turns to magical thinking
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A few words with winning author Ana Boyadzhyan:

What do you do for a living?
I recently graduated from UCLA and have just began working as a writer/assistant at a law firm. I’m also launching an online business that caters to eco-conscious shoppers on a budget at

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job?
I can’t recall a specific situation but I tend to be quirky and light-hearted when interacting with co-workers, although I take my job very seriously.

Ever used humor in a job search?
I’m usually too nervous to use humor effectively in a job search. But it always help to just smile and be friendly. However, when I was interviewing for the law firm position I’m currently in, the hiring manager made a comment about the chaos in her room, which was filled with stacks of heavy files. I told her that I was a little strange because I love paperwork and that this was my type of place. It definitely didn’t hurt my chances of landing the job.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers?
I’ve learned, from experience, that a great cover letter is key to getting a response from employers. You should create a cover letter that is tailored specifically for the position and requirements of each job. Make sure that the qualifications you list in your cover letter are relevant to the position you are applying for. Lastly, proofread your cover letter and resume at least two times to ensure there aren’t any errors. I have accidentally sent cover letters to the wrong employers on a few occasions. Needless to say, I wasn’t expecting a call back anytime soon.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search?
I don’t really find the job search particularly hilarious. It’s just something that we all need to go through to feed and clothe ourselves.

Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #19 – big desk cartoon


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boss behind a big desk with big bonus
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boss behind a big desk wants employee to read him a story
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #18 – career day


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fifth grade career day
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A few words with winning author Patty Patrignelli:

What do you do for a living?

My name is Patty Patrignelli and I live in Monroe, New York. While my main role in life is a mom,  I am also a Kindergarten Teaching Assistant in a K-1 elementary.

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job?
I truly believe humor is what gets us through life.  I am fortunate to be around children all day who bring humor into everything they say and do.  Many times when I see a student struggling with a concept or skill, I use humor to lighten up the moment and make them feel more relaxed and less apprehensive.  Funny rhymes and silly, humorous behavior can make a huge difference in how a child responds to you.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers?

There is something for everyone; when you are truly focused on making a change or following a dream, doors will open.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search?
What I find funny about a job search is the fact that people expect to open the newspaper and find that highly-paid dream job on page 44. What is not so funny, is the fact that there are so many talented, hard-working people who just haven’t had the opportunity to get their foot in the door. Job searching is a tough, exhausting process; however, keep your sense of humor as people (including prospective employers) are naturally drawn to those who make them smile and laugh.SECOND PLACE

fifth grade career day
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #17 – diversity training


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diversity trainer from craigslist
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A few words with winning author Laural Stolicny:


What do you do for a living?
I am a STNA with a local nursing home.

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job?
Most definitely. When you work with the elderly, everyday can be a new adventure, not just for you but them as well.

Ever used humor in a job search?
Yes. I was interviewing for a nursing position and had to do the Heimlich on my interviewer who had swallowed her gum. So, I said, “Does that mean I passed the interview and hands on requirements ?” Needless to say, I started the next day.

What’s your best advice for job seekers?
My advice is to relax. The person interviewing you is probably just as nervous as you are.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search?
What I find funny (and also not funny) is that as soon as you accept a reasonable job offer, your dream job calls you for hire.


diversity trainer recommends name change
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #16 – when pigs fly


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business when pigs fly cartoon - you owe us a raise
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A few words with contest winner Jessica Mincey of Warner Robins, GA

What do you do for a living? I am a senior Middle Grades Education Major at Georgia Southern University by day and a team member at Einstein Bagel Bros by night.

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job? Yes! Sometimes you get a customer who is having such a bad day that they bring that bad day to you.  I simply start telling jokes and making things funny so they start to forget about the negative!

Ever used humor in a job search? Yes! While interviewing for my current job, they asked me why I should be hired.  I told them “I’m like Spiderman! He’s so cool.  He helps people without needing recognition.”  Stunned by the response, they burst out laughing and hired me on the spot.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers? Be YOURSELF! At the end of the day, if they hire someone who you put on your resume as you instead of the true you, it will only turn out horrible.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search? I found it humorous that I would apply for like 80 jobs just to get one call.  What I did not find funny is the fact that there aren’t many jobs that will hire someone with 3/4 of a college degree.


business when pigs fly cartoon - someone check the weather in hell
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #15 – sharks in the water


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business sharks cartoon - I have a paddle
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A few words with contest winner Michael VanDervort of Lakeland Florida:

What do you do for a living?  Human Resources Strategist at Publix Super Markets

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job? Sense of humor has always been a plus in doing HR work.  It helps relieve stress for people in anxious situations like a training session if you can drop a quick joke or funny remark without being snarky.

Ever used humor in a job search? I like to share stories in a job interview. Sometimes finding the humor in a common problem situation helps make a connection with the interviewer.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers?   Stay focused. Don’t be self deprecating, but don’t be arrogant either.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search? I find the lack of follow-up by HR on the status of a job to be not funny at all.  The humor in this is that it doesn’t take much more than a personal acknowledgement to make candidates think you are on the leading edge of candidate experience.


business sharks cartoon - not a walk in the park
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business sharks cartoon - married
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business sharks cartoon - just asked for a raise
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #14 – job fair?


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job fair cartoon - hey boss
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A short talk with winner Óscar E. Ferro Gálvez from Mexico City:

What do you do for a living?: Advertising. I´m a Strategic-Creative Director Consulting.

Ever used humor in a job search?: Almost always. That is the key for a memorable Ad.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers?: Don´t seek a job. Create one!

What do you find funny and not funny about job search?: Well… When I´m looking for a job, I’ve found funny what the most of the employers I’ve visited always say to me that I’m overqualified for the position they offer. But it’s no funny that they don’t engage me for that, over all if I need that job!


job fair cartoon - cotton candy
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job fair cartoon - unfair
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job fair cartoon - only fair if they give you a job
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #13 – Santa as boss


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Santa cartoon - made in China stickers
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A few words with winning author Sara DeAnne Zavorka  of Lake Hills, TX:

What do you do for a living?
Full-time college student working towards a degree in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education. Currently, I am also a Community Assistant at my college. This job entails building a sense of community in my dorm, as well as assuring that the residents have a safe and fun time throughout their stay at their “home away from home.”

Has your sense of humor ever helped you on the job? any examples?
When I was a Cartoonist for my local newspaper, humor was a must. In anything I do, actually I at least try to have a good time with it. I’ve never been the comedian sort, but through my overly clumsy and sometimes naïve nature, it gets those around me laughing, and that alone is an ice breaker and ease-maker. Maintaining a humorous yet business-like status in any job is a difficult paradox, but those who master it can handle anything.

Ever used humor in a job search?
Humor drives living. Without it, everything would be dull and lacking of motivation.
My job searches consist of looking for a job in which I may exhibit some sense of humor, just to be able to have a good time with it.

What’s your best advice for jobseekers?
My favorite quote, by writer Douglas Noel Adams, says “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” I relate those words to nearly everything in life. For jobs, it is a reassurance that I will find the job I most need to be doing, when the time is right. It takes off some pressure amid the hectic searching.

What do you find funny and not funny about job search?
Being a younger adult, still emerging into the chaotic world that is having an occupation, I find it both funny and not so much how nearly every single job requires some work experience, but one cannot acquire that work experience if they cannot first get a job. Got to love irony…


Santa cartoon - he's a Grinch
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Cartoons Workplace Diversity

Caption contest #12 – the paper storm