Career Advice

Tips to Stay Employable In the (Possible) Upcoming Recession

For you, as an employee or potential employee, it is very important to understand how you can increase your value as a professional and protect your job despite the onset of a recession. From developing your personal and professional skills to advancing your technical capacities, here are a few tips to get you through the possible upcoming economic recession.


Create/Add Value

The most important thing to any organization going through a recession is the value provision of its employees. If you’re not among the top people contributing value, you’re likely to be among the first set of people to be laid-off from the job. Avoiding that unfortunate outcome is quite simple; improve yourself and create and/or add value to the organization. And that’s something that will make you stand out as an exceptional employee and a key player contributing to the success of the organization.


Get New Skills

Improving your skills is a great way to avoid complacency and increase your value and potential to your employer. With an advanced knowledge of your responsibilities and higher skill set to deliver, you are in a better position to become a high-priority staff that will survive the recession while retaining your employment or even a higher level of position. Research the certifications, skills, tools, and technology that are in-demand and acquire them to become a high-value employee.


Build Better Professional Relationships

The key to securing your job during a recession is to know who is who. By establishing and building direct professional relationships you can expand your network and increase your likelihood of surviving a mass layoff. Become more adaptable, more friendly, and interact more with your colleagues and higher-ups to immerse yourself into the right networks and get enough information to secure your position in the organization or have ample time to look for new job opportunities.


Always Update Your CV

Following the tip above, securing a job during the recession doesn’t always mean staying back at your old job; you can also look out for organizations that need someone with your improved capacities and professional knowledge. Research the latest trends for your job description, include them in your resumé, and always be prepared to apply for jobs and ace interviews that will help you land a great job despite the likely economic recession.


Optimize LinkedIn For Your Benefit

LinkedIn has one of the largest professional communities in the world. By optimizing the services and features that LinkedIn provides, you’ll be able to position yourself as a high value potential employee for future employers. Connect with people, search for jobs, and emulate the professional behavior of those in the positions you would like to attain.


Ultimately, when you’re great at your job, with a likable personality, and an undeniable value, you would become an important asset to any employee (despite the realities of a recession). Build your skills and keep a high employability level today!